OK.... officially this is it.
One colossal year for this blog,
One dwarf year for the whole of Blogsville!!!
Many milestones have been achieved and left behind, as the journey still continues.
The blog that was opened, originally due to desperation - to comment on a friend's blog. And then...... curiousity took over me and "When even I don't know..." got its first post - "I have no idea..."
Time teaches you the survival skill - "Bloghopping"!
And in your journeys you come across some excellent blogs, some nifty published apps, some cool templates and so much more......And then these tips and tricks are shared between strangers - but they are strangers, only till you write the first comment/tag and then as soon as they reply - Viola!~ You have found a new mate!!
And you join forces to conquer yet unseen, undetected, undiscovered, unobserved, unpercieved territory (yes I plundered dictionary.com for those words! *hehehhe* ) of the "Land of Blogdom"!!
And my partners in crime.....
my mates in this battalion are -
AmitL - The first mate, I found in the middle-east.
Enjoying, these days everyday, the Ramadan Feast.
His categorised posts - so sizzling yet simplistic,
The endjokes - hilarious, and thoughts of the day - realistic!
Anubha - The lady called A-N-Zee.
Some even know her as Honey 'Busy' Bee! :P
She's into organisation..... events n all......
Her creation 'Bloggeratti' - much loved by all.
Anumita - Ma'lady, she's here and she's not.
Some times I doubt that ma' blog she's forgot.
But then you come to know of her secret escapades.....
The naughty dealings with her hubby and goss' with her maid! ;)
Ashish - Mate, what shall I say.....
Many a times, I've seen him away.
His Blog-reviews making waves to lands a far,
But dude, where've you gone? I'm looking for my car! :P
Ashtrix - This mate, I eavesdropped from a long while,
I saw his awards that crossed Filmfare, by a mile.
I lost him and I found him all b'coz of his 'Easy Prey'.
"Pray, dear friend, where did you dissappear away?!"
Colors - My girlfriend, my 'bichdi hui behen' in Blogsville,
This gal, my friend, is not ur ordinary run of the mill.
She hails from the land, high up in the Himalayas,
And is so caring and thoughful - beyond all her years.
Cynic - This lady's template was the first of its kind,
At the time when I saw it - it was imprinted on my mind.
She's funny and she's silly and she's crazy in her ways!
And her recent matrimonial dealings will crack u up anyday.
Deepak - DJ, the intellectual, the academic, the rational one,
He's works of fiction are one of the best under the sun!
His reviews, his interpretations written with such poise,
And to top it all off - DJ enjoy's debates and Lata didi's voice!
Divya - She's a darling who loves quizes online,
This girlfriend from southern lands - is truly divine.
If life's a dance - this lady knows how to at'tune',
For the good sport that you are gurl, hats off to u!
Fundoo - OK - I don't even know where to begin.
This hilairous, comical, boffo guy - is my 'blog-kin'.
He works in lands where they give "bhejitediyaan phood" :D
We've had some pretty funny times on blogger and on orkut!
Ganga - One of the most genuine guys I know,
He's absolutely down to earth, that his posts clearly show.
Amazing - the research into each post that he writes,
Tallest female, human fruit and many more such delights.
Gaurav - How many times he has made me J in these months,
and its due to his travelogues of lands where he's had fun!
Some very intuitive posts he's written in the past,
And his insightful research of social topics - sure is a blast!
Hagrid - The Hoogie-woogie bear that we know,
He's recently gone past the Atlantic where soon it will snow.
His funny and thoughtful comments, very genuinely real,
Lets pray his Mrs. get to him soon, to cook him a hearty meal!
ITNL - I met this mate, at a VBM oneday,
His funny posts and his pun will get him in trouble someday! ;)
The thoughts that he expresses are a pleasure to read,
He smiles and he smiles and he smiles - in times of need!
Invincible - The 'dude' who was up all night,
And all because he found the Indi VBM a delight.
Some really funny and intuitive posts he's written.
To tell us about himself and the life he's living.
Kapil - The mate that got me into blogging ages ago,
My real friend in life whose many secrets I know! ;)
He's genuine, he's sweet, he's great fun to be around...
And I wish him much luck and happiness to be found.
Kaush - The lady who'll one day fix my teeth,
She's jovial and bubbly and very thoughtful underneath.
One of the creators of the idea - V.B.M.
Don't talk to her in English - if you are an Indian! ;)
Khushee - My girl friend from 'the land down under'.
She used to post everyday with tits bits of daily banter.
These days she's been busy with new job and new car.
One day u'll visit all those places in the postcards of lands afar.
Lean Dude - This Mr. is as moody as they come....
He knows how to enjoy life and have loads of fun.
'Absolut'ly crazy and hilarious when he's in the mood,
I dunno about lean n mean but I enjoy this dude's attitude!
Manuscrypt - The man of many many words,
For months his stories have haunted all souls of blog-world.
Every time I read his work, I think to myself - 'Wow!
How did he think of that!' - wish I could somehow.
Meen - She's been away from her homeblog a bit,
As she's busy with hot Spices plus Miso and Sushi.
I used to enjoy the little pictures on her space,
and now with the new recipes - they'll make u race!
Neelima - So colorful this girl friend writes away,
and the pictures and the songs - such a beautiful display.
She's the teacher that kids love to have at school.
A funny little lady with many stories in her pool.
Nikhil - another one, thats gone with the wind.
This guy loves jamming and making new friends.
It was fun knowing him and reading his comments.
I wish him luck and happiness - till we meet again.
Pallavi - Ma'lady, whose templates are awesome,
she changes them like seasons and fresh new blossoms.
Recently she became the author by the brook,
Multi-skilled, multi-talented, the 'bike' road she took!
Prasad - The quiet-achiever, I say.
So many heart-felt posts he's written to this day.
He hails from Kerela, how I wish I'd see.
Hidden behind 'Dennis' - a cool guy definately.
Puneet - Another blog mate, met during my rounds,
some really cool and fun stuff this guy has found.
Now he's added to the list of bloggers - overseas,
And here's wishing him luck and may life be a breeze.
Red - We love to call her lovingly, 'Red ji',
A light-hearted and cheerful gal - nice to know thee.
She can find much logic even in the simplest of ads.
C'mon gurl lets play - no rewind or fast forward - so relax.
Ricky - The Blog Prince - the Birthday Post King!
And much much more...... all day I could sing.
'The' most thoughtful person I found in the Blog-world.
Stay the same dear friend - unshaken, unwavering and unfurled!
Saba - She loves to share her two cents.
Cooking meating point that she shares with her friends.
The second master mind behind the Bloggerati awards,
Hope to hear from her soon, her personal posts n all.
Sanaja - My dear friend in the U S of Ayyy,
I havent heard from her in a while - but hope she's okay.
Loves dancing and camping - no spare time she'll waste.
And hilarious stories she tells of - cut, copy n paste!
Sherriff - The funny guy who writes with a flair,
At times thought-provoking, at others with witty air.
His anecdote with the misses are hilarious n cute,
Mate, did I say, your opinions I don't refute?!
Shub - The smiling writer, I've read for so long,
Her blogger tips and tricks got many bloggers to throng.
Now in Singapore, she misses all things home,
My best wishes for you gurl - enjoy life as it comes.
Sir Rocks - Come n gone, gone n come this guy,
When he's in the mood, he's witty and he's sly! ;)
His descriptions, his ideas, his thoughts are so jolly,
I hope he'd write more about life and its follies.
Stone - Not the stone he likes to be called,
his wit clearly shines thru his comments n all.
These days he's missing - gone somewhere walking?
I'd hardly call him - the bad man talking.
Surinder - Mr. Garfield or Mr.Marriage guy?
He posts multiple posts a day - all in a fly.
Many of them funny and many words of wisdom,
I enjoy the witty humor, in his own, when he writes some.
Vicky - What's up Doc?! I'd like to say,
We share things 43 things n places to go away.
So bright and interesting his comments always,
In the blog world I know I found another mate!
I know this is not all.... as my list of blogmates grows everyday.
So please excuse me if your name is not written above.... as the above list was plucked from my Blogroll - which hasn't updated in a month or two.
And before I finish -
"The Seasons BEST wishes for you and your families.
May this coming year bring with it
much prosperity and happiness........"
As a kid who was scared of fire-crackers *to an extent*... Diwali was always a time of the year when the house was beautifully lit with diyas and candles. It is a tradition, *if I remember correctly* to light diyas in each and every darkest dingiest corner where you would'nt usually think of lighting them. I used to follow Mummy as she's go around the garden and in the back yard.... spreading the light.
I have always loved the glimmer of the little lights, that brighten up such places. And that is how I still celebrate diwali... with little tealight candles around my tiny apartment! :)
So.... hoping that this year we may all find light - in the darkest corners of our life!
God Bless!